Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Book Share

The book that I decided to do my book share on the Twin Towers 9/11.The name of this book is Debunking 9/11 Myths and it was written by David Dunbar.This book is about the popular 9/11 documentary.Loose change alleges that the World Trade center was destroyed by controlled demolitions,and that it was struck by a missile instead of a hijacked airliner.For every 9/11 theory,a dozen more outrageous theory's came to take their place.The allegation states that the world center towers must have been brought down by controlled demolitions,because jet fuel does not burn at a temperature to melt steel which the twin towers was built in.The steel did not have to melt for the towers to collapse,the fire had to burn hot enough for the tower to loose most of its strength.For the explosion supposedly seen in videos of the collapsing towers,the upper floors pushed dust and air out of the windows,which is why they looked like puffs of dust and air not explosion.Did you know that if you fold the dollar in half then you will see the twin towers?There is some interresting facts about the twin towers and I would like to learn more about it. I wolud recomend this book for someone to read because it is very interisting to learn more about it.

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